905 10th Street
Menominee, MI 49858
Located during the summer at the corner of 8th Ave and 1st street by Menominee Historic Downtown Waterfront by the Menominee Marina Band-shell, in Menominee, Michigan. June to October, Saturday 9 am to 1 pm and Thursdays 3 pm to 7 pm. Winter Market is at 905 10th Street, inside the Menominee community Action Senior Citizen Center. Every Saturday from October to June, 10 am to 2 pm. Featuring year around fresh eggs, beef,pork,lamb,chicken products, fresh in season, fruit,hoop-house grown vegetables, herbs, along with Cottage Food Law Items of Jams, Jellies, assorted Breads, Cookies, milled flours, in season, maple syrup, honey,and honey comb. Along with homemade crafts, soaps, & lotions. We have something for everyone in your family. Come and join us, today.
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