300 Beach Street and 111 North Green Street
Morganton, NC 28680
Web site: http://www.downtownmorganton.com
Email: downtownmorganton at compascable dot net
The Saturday Morganton Farmers Market is located at 300 Beach Street, behind Geppeto's and More Lace at Morganton Station. From I-40, take Exit 105, make a right turn and follow South Sterling Street approximately 2 miles under the railroad tracks and then make a right turn. The Wednesday Mini-Market is located at 111 North Green Street, at the corner of Green Street and Avery Avenue. From I-40, take Exit 105, make a right turn and follow South Sterling Street approximately 2.5 miles under the railroad tracks and past the historic courthouse (to your left). The Mini-Market will be on the next corner on the left!
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