Jefferson Co, Fairgrounds, Coffeen Street
Watertown, NY 13601
Email: kmereand at yahoo dot com
Drop by to see for yourself. The farmers market is located in Watertown , New York at Jefferson Co, Fairgrounds, Coffeen Street , NY. C Hours are June-Early November Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.We feature al locally grown farm fresh berries, vegetables, fruit ,fresh flowers ,baked good ,eggs, chicken, grass feed beef,venison ,lamb, pork, and the work of local artists and artisans. Stroll to the music of live musicians while you shop. Check our facebook page for special events and pictures . We accept Wic checks ,and Farmers Market Nutrition Program Coupons and food stamps . This is a nice quiet market with the emphasis on on fresh ,local produce sold by those who produce it.Click the Edit link if you shop at this market to tell us more about what is sold.
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