Pioneer Farmers Market
Corner of East Academy & North Oak Street Downtown Stop by and check it out. The farmers market is located in Troy, Alabama at Corner of East Academy & North Oak Street Downtown. Call to find out about its selection of vegetables, local specialties, organic food, fruits and crafts. Hours are May 23-Mid-June Saturday, 7:00 a.m -10:00 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Takes WIC, SFMNP. Use the Edit link if you visit this market to tell us more about what is offered. ReviewIf you've shopped at Pioneer Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsAll the food found there is originally extremely cheap for great foods. I worked at one of the farms for summer break, and I learned that the food is picked the same day it's sold. I don't believe a person could find fresher food. Even though I'm a city girl, I recommend the farmers market with pride. -- amber |