Highland Park Farmers Market
6th Avenue This Des Moines farmers market is located at 6th Avenue from Euclid to Douglas on west side of street Des Moines, IA 50313. Drop by to see for yourself. Call to find out about its assortment of fruits, local specialties, vegetables, crafts and organic food. Hours are June-October Thursday, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Takes WIC, SFMNP. Use the Edit link if you frequent this market to tell us more about what is offered. 6th Avenue from Euclid to Douglas on west side of street ReviewIf you've shopped at Highland Park Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI have shopped there in past years, and found delicious jams, fresh vegetables, breads, pies, and cookies; crafts, and other items. -- Nancy Kuenen |