Cheboygan Farmers Market
City Hall parking lot, State Street This Cheboygan farmers market is located at City Hall parking lot, State Street Cheboygan, MI 49721. Drop by to see for yourself. Phone to learn more about its assortment of local specialties, vegetables, fruits, organic food and crafts. Hours are July-October Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Takes WIC, SFMNP. Click the Edit link if you frequent this market to help people find out about what is sold. ReviewIf you've shopped at Cheboygan Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsAMAZING!! This company has great uctsomer service, most competitve pricing out there. I am so pleased with the quality of the product. Organic FP is the way to go and these guys are the only ones out there who offer it. I give it 4 stars! -- Neraf |