Howard City Farmers Market
120 W. Edgerton Located at 120 W. Edgerton Howard City, MI 49329 in Howard City, Michigan. Come visit and take a look. Call to find out about its selection of organic food, fruits, crafts, vegetables and local specialties. Hours are June-September Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Takes WIC, SFMNP. Click the Edit link if you frequent this market to provide information about what is sold. ReviewIf you've shopped at Howard City Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsWhen sellers are there its nice, friendly sale, I feel that the way the venders park their vehicles takes up space that could be used for more venders. Venders are using one spot for merchandise and on directly behind for their cars.It would be more attractive if it did not look like a parking lot and more like a market -- Ann |