Ceres Farmers Market
Ceres Whitmore Park This Ceres farmers market is located at Ceres Whitmore Park Ceres, CA 95307. Drop by to see for yourself. Phone to find out about its selection of vegetables, crafts, fruits, local specialties and organic food. Hours are June-July Tuesday, 5:00 PM- 8:30 PM. Use the Edit link if you visit this market to provide information about what is offered. ReviewIf you've shopped at Ceres Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI thought the Market was very nice. Lots of delicious fruits and veggies.. I really like it because its all home grown. Vine ripend.None better. If you want to taste a real tomato, this is the only way. Thank you so much Farmers for taking the time to do this for all of us locals. You need a bit more advertizement. spread the word, and if it went a little longer like now, aug, lots of watermellow and mellons of all kind is ripe now. Thanks again . -- Barb Kerr |