Reno Somersett Farmers Market
7650 Town Square Way Drop by to see for yourself. The farmers market is located in Reno, Nevada at 7650 Town Square Way Reno, NV 89509. Email to find out about its selection of organic food, local specialties, fruits, crafts and vegetables. Hours are June 16-August 25, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Free Live entertainment! Takes SFMNP. Use the Edit link if you shop at this market to provide information about what is offered. ReviewIf you've shopped at Reno Somersett Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI would like to know how to become a vendor at your Farmers Market. I hand paint rock animals which I sometimes sale at the McQueen Craft Faire. I only do one or two shows a year and someone said my rocks would do well at Somersett. Can send photo of my work if you are interested. Thank you -- Terrie Powning |