Yoder Cider Barn
3361 Martinsburg Rd. This Martinsburg farmers market is located at 3361 Martinsburg Rd. Martinsburg, OH. Come visit and take a look. Call to find out about its selection of organic food, fruits, crafts, local specialties and vegetables. Open year round. Hours are - 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Click the Edit link if you frequent this market to help people find out about what is offered. ReviewIf you've shopped at Yoder Cider Barn, tell us what you think of the market. Reviewsi have been trying to call the phone no. and it says it has been disconnected 1 -740-668-4761 -- dale koon Although I have not shopped at at your Cider Barn, I did purchase some of your Apple Butter in Toledo, Ohio, and loved it (it was a while back since I live in Michigan), and went back a few times and never see it there. Do you sell it anywhere in Michigan or close to Toledo? Thanks. Jim -- Jim Parker |