Saturday's Market
3751 3751 East Harriburg Pike Rte 230 between Middletown and Elizabethtown This Middletown farmers market is located at 3751 3751 East Harriburg Pike Rte 230 between Middletown and Elizabethtown. Drop by to see for yourself. Phone to find out about its assortment of fruits, organic food, crafts, local specialties and vegetables. Open year round. Hours are - Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Takes WIC. Click the Edit link if you frequent this market to provide information about what is sold. ReviewIf you've shopped at Saturday's Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI can't understand why you are not opened on Fridays. -- donald cisney In warm weather it's the most fun you can have in Lancaster if you like oddities and cheap bargains. -- Jay |